Today, representatives of AIGETOA CTD met CGM CTD and discussed over the following matters.
1. Long pending transfer issues :
We’re continuously in discussion since long time with CGM Sir over this issue. Some transfer orders of almost one year are yet to be implemented. CGM Sir assured us, necessary steps will be taken very soon and if required, the concerned executives will be released through ERP.
2. Issuance of transfer orders from the Interview panel :
CGM sir was not very committal over the issue, but after requests, he told us he will consider some transfers from the above panel. It was understood, requirements are there in EB and TX verticals.
3. Empanelment of more hospitals with CGHS rate and cashless basis :
It was informed to us that, necessary steps are being taken on priority basis.
4. Rule-8 transfer :
We’ve shown our resentments over this issue. We’ve informed CGM Sir, many incoming candidates have come and many are in process to join in CTD.
We’ve strongly requested to release the outgoing Rule-8 cases, as the accommodation confirmation has already received from many circles.
CGM sir told us, he is expecting some positive results soon.